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Audrey Green


Audrey Green was raised in the Santa Clarita Valley, attended Hart High School, and graduated from COC in 1982. She went on to UCLA to earn a bachelors degree in history in 1985 and a masters in educational psychology in 1990. She is married to Del Green and has two daughters. Audrey began working as a Program Advisor in the Counseling Office at College of the Canyons in 1985. She became a full-time counselor in 1989. Audrey retired June 2017 after serving the students of COC as the Associate Vice President of Academic Affairs. Her favorite part of her jobwas the people: the students and staff. Audrey liked the fact that she can make a positive difference in peoples lives. COC means opportunity to Audrey. It provided the opportunity for her to take a new path for her life and begin a satisfying career. Audrey is an advocate of the community college system and has spearheaded countless membership drives and scholarship campaigns. She says she is happy to affiliate as an alumna of College of the Canyons, as much, if not more than, with her four-year university alma maters.She is a strong community supporter, volunteering and providing leadership to local, regional and statewide organizations. In her leisure time she enjoys spending time with her family and traveling. College of the Canyons, even more than my four-year universities, has a special place in my heart. Not only is COC keeping up with the 21st century, it continues to maintain its humanity and for me, that's what makes the difference! Audrey says.