Alertus How To:
Alertus Console
The Alertus Cosole is used in conjunction with BlackBoard Connect to send desktop
notifications to district computers. In order to access the Alertus Console goto:
Your username and password is your District email information.
Activation Types:
Once logged in, you will have 3 primary ‘Activation Types’ that you can use to message the campus. The 3 types are Emergency Activation, Preset Activation and Custom Activation. It is important to understand the differences between them as the message itself and WHO the message is sent to, are informed by the ‘Activation Type’.
Emergency Activation:
First, Emergency Activations can use either a custom message or use pre-set messages but will default to ALL Campus computers on BOTH campuses.
Preset Activation:
Preset Activations are pre-defined messages with the locations identified by campus. You can use this option to checkin to your Campus for Night Duty or to access pre-defined messages to send to an individual campus.
Custom Activation:
Custom Activations are, fully customizable messaging options to be used to notify for an event that does not have a Preset Activation or to send updates or information during an active event. This process will require you to create a custom message, ALWAYS Choose Emergency as the delivery type and place your cursor in the recipient box to choose between Valencia and CCC.