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SPSS Install

  1. If you have not done so already, use the sidebar links to download SPSS for your computer.
  2. Click on Download:
    Click Download
  3. Click on the file at the bottom left of your browser screen or go to the download location and double click on the file.


  4. Select “Yes”
    Select "Yes"

  5. You will be prompted to accept the license agreement for SPSS and the license agreement for Python. Click on “Next”.
    Select "Next"
  6. Once the installations wizard has completed the License Authorization wizard will follow. Click on “Finish”.
    Click "Finish"
  7. Please select the Authorized user license and click "Next"
    Click "Next"

  8. Please enter in the license code and click “Next” to authorize the software on your machine.  The license code can be found here: If you are an Instructor, click here (Log in with CanyonsID): SPSS License 
    If you are a student, please check with your Instructor.
    SPSS Step 8

  9. Once the Authorization is successful the text will appear green. Then click “Next”.
    SPSS Step 9

  10. On the final screen it will display the expiration date for the software and click “Finish”.
    SPSS Step 10